Fifteen years of Dossier Communications

Once upon a time, I quit a bad job. I was also moving, so I decided to take a few weeks to get sorted before searching for another Job-Job. I just assumed I’d spend my career working for someone else, in an office at a desk, Monday to Friday nine to five.

But then former coworkers heard I was available and asked me to help on a project. Then another project. Soon an idea took hold — what if I could do this for a career?

That was 15 years ago. On July 20, 2005, I registered my business name, HST number and this domain site. Dossier Communications was born.

At the time I was the only freelancer I knew. I researched how to start a business (thanks to Invest Ottawa workshops) and now I give webinars on the subject. I reached out to associations like Editors Canada and now I’m a proud member of the Women’s Business Network.

A few things have changed over the years. Now I introduce myself as a communications consultant, because sometimes “writing” and “editing” don’t describe just how varied my projects are and “freelancer” doesn’t always apply to the retainer or package arrangements I offer. I’ve also added years of marketing education and experience to the mix, along with social media, video and more.

Working for yourself means constantly learning and adapting according to market and client needs. I’ve had many wonderful clients and I’ve worked on a wide variety of projects. All businesses and organizations use words, after all. 

I’ve also had the pleasure of working with colleagues such as graphic designers and other writers/editors. As I said when I was celebrating A dozen years of Dossier, I love being part of a community of word nerds who are happy to step up and help.

I’m very grateful for the past 15 years, and I look forward to the future. Thank you for being part of the story.